Our first year, we noticed strange things starting to occur on The Haunted Road. One of our team members kept a personal journal and she let us pull excerpts from that time period that showcased her experience figuring out that The Haunted Road is ACTUALLY HAUNTED.
Sept. 18
Dress rehearsal plus an impromptu photo shoot today!!! It’s getting REAL! I LOVE horror makeup and the masks look surprisingly good with the costumes… Hung behind to ask the director if I could post the photos I shot behind the scenes on instagram. I looked fabulous, of course, but all of the ones with me in them had a weird green glow in the top right corner of the screen which didn’t make any sense. I didn’t end up posting anything because the images were just bizarre.
Sept. 26
Opening night! Everything seemed great but when I pulled into THR, my radio cut out. Not a big deal because I was about to park but after I killed the engine, it came back on. It was completely garbled like something was talking over the radio hosts. No idea what the hell was going on but I turned it off again.
Oct. 10
I jumped in to sub for a dead princess today and midway through the first set of cars, the girls started yelling at me, telling me that I was doing old blocking. I had absolutely no idea what the heck they were talking about. They said that we came early to update the scene and we were putting in the changes that night but I was so confused because I didn’t remember being there let alone rehearsing. They swore I was there. Not sure if I’m suffering from short-term memory loss or should lay off the alcohol.
Oct. 28
A lot of the cast kept swapping out of the barn scene at the end of the road and I kept thinking, “if you are a bunch of scaredy cats then why did you apply to work at THR?” I get it now though… I had to cover it tonight because another person backed out and it was freakin’ creepy, especially when cars weren’t in there with you. I could hear the sounds of things shuffling around and footsteps, as if someone was running on wood, but the only wood in the barnyard is on the walls. I wanted to check if there were any more cars coming through for the night so I could GTFO but my cell had no service. I’m not going back in that barn!
Nov. 7
FINAL freaking night! I had a blast working on this project but things were starting to get really freaky. I think I’ll lay off the horror movies for a bit… as I was driving out tonight, I saw a girl standing on the side of the road. She had hair like Rapunzel so I figured it was one of the actresses (although it’s kind of hard to know who people are once they take their masks off). She started waving at me so I figured I’d make a TikTok video for THR but when I looked at my phone, I couldn’t see her at all. She was standing right there but on my screen she vanished. WTF!
Aug. 22
We came out to the road to set up for the new season and OMG someone in the crew brought a spirit box to the land (I guess they ghost hunt on the side)! The spirit box rotated through radio waves in an attempt to pick up ghost voices. The crew member started talking to the ghosts, comforting them, and encouraging them to come forward. We walked toward the old butcher barn and I started to hear things coming through. I kid you not, I started seeing orbs or tiny specks of light in the barn, and then a woman started talking to us! EEEEEEEK I literally jumped onto the crew member!